
This page is meant to provide patients and practitioners resources and connections that promote homeopathy as a method of healing that works on sound and scientific clinical principles. Approach these methods, which show clinical evidence of healing over the long term, with an open and unbiased mind. The clinical effectiveness of homeopathy is the main reason for its inclusion in many integral medical treatment centers in Europe and the United States.  While there will always be some more vocal opponents to homeopathy, its continued and increasing level of practice world-wide, is a testimony to its evidence based principles.

Homeopathy is based on the clinical evidence of 250 years of practice of homeopathy.  Depending on your level of knowledge and interest we recommend that you view our navigation links as follows:

Introduction to Homeopathy — for those who have little or no knowledge of homeopathy and its principles and/or who are currently being treated or are considering treatment by a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

Resources — for homeopathic practitioners and students of homeopathy who wish to expand their knowledge of resources available electronically, or the horizons of their homeopathic training. Includes:
History — gives a brief history of homeopathy in Egypt.

Three year professional course in homeopathy — explains scope of course and a syllabus.

For Students and Practitioners of Homeopathy
Click on the title for a link to the latest forthcoming seminars, homeopathic conferences, and lecturers in the region.